Here’s ZUSHI ITO CHIRO’s Infection Control Measures
To All my Dear Patients,
I truly appreciate your careful concern ” in thoroughly washing your hands first”. Thank you.
As you are all aware, Japan has once again released “emergency”stage.
Remember Ito-Chiro’s motto?
“Your innate intelligence is the surest thing you can trust and rely on”.
In times as we are presently experiencing; it is extremely important to optimize one’s body defenses and therefore, conscious safety precautions must be taken and systematic procedures, followed.
I take this opportunity to REQUEST and THANK YOU in advance for:

★ Refraining from visiting Ito-Chiro when you suspect you have any “unusual physical symptoms”, such as fever, cough, sore throat, sudden loss of taste, numbness, or unusual tiredness. In this case, please contact me and let us postpone your reservation for one week later. Meanwhile please let me know how you are keeping.
In order to better protect you, all other patients and myself, I ask for your cooperation and take this opportunity to show my true appreciation for your understanding (When in doubt, please feel free to contact me by phone or email).
★ Relax in SILENCE once we begin the actual treatment.
During the treatment we will be in close contact. In order to achieve most effectiveness within a short period of time, I will in SILENCE, work on your body, adjust, and heal it as required. I will answer your questions and comments and will give you the necessary guidanceonce the hands-on treatment is fully complete. However, if during the hands-on treatment you feel the wish to express any discomfort (pain, air temperature, etc.) please do not hesitate to speak up immediately.
★ Regular fresh air ventilation and disinfection
In order to ensure safety and proper room ventilation, the room is disinfected and the air fully circulated after each patient leaves. It may feel slightly cold 💦 when you first arrive but the room shall soon warm up. Blankets are also available, when or if you feel cold, please do not hesitate to notify me immediately.
I strongly suggest that along with the cautions stated above, you read through the regular precautions by Ito Chiro “Infection Control Measures”, posted as follows.
= Infection Control Measures =
・ Treatment are accepted by reservation ONLY (No risk of congestion inside the clinic)
・ Refrain from coming to your appointment if you have “cold symptoms” such as fever, cough, etc. Instead, please contact me in advance.
・ At the time of your visit, I will kindly request 🙇🏻 that you begin byfirst “washing your hands”.
・ Ito Chiro keeps the environment protected also by using the support of purely natural antiviral essential oils.
・ Total ventilation for 5 to 10 minutes every hour
・ After each treatment, all equipment in direct contact is thoroughly disinfected.
・ All doorknobs and switches are fully disinfected first thing in the morning, during breaks and at closing.
・ For your greater comfort, the room humidity is always kept at 50%or more.
・I (your chiropractor) take my temperature and do a rigorous health check daily.
・Ito Chiro will close at 8pm each day of the week, following the local guideline.
Finally, let me take this opportunity to deeply thank you for your conscious support. It is with great respect that I treat each of my patients, who like yourself, prioritize the maintenance of “an optimum physical status”, even and especially during these difficult times.
You are great! Thank you for supporting Preventive Medicine.
I am your avid supporter.
Be well, be safe, Be YOU!
Zushi Ito Chiro
Yuta Ito
January 7, 2021

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